Protocol X Tokenomics Overview:
Last updated
Protocol X Tokenomics Overview:
Last updated
Tokenomics of Protocol X ProtocolX will have a 100,000,000 capped token supply.
(The Contract does not sell ANY buy fees hence the dual reflections).
Buy Fees: 4% 2% to Vault (PTX Rewards) 2% to Burn
Sell Fees: 8% 4% to Vault (PUSD Rewards) 4% to Burn
To purchase PTX, please ensure you use 6% / 10% in regard to slippage when purchasing.
Keeping the token and protocol growing and allowing the token to have positive price action pressure is very important to the long-term demand aspects of the protocol. Protocol X will solve this potential inflationary conflict via multiple means:
Buy/Sale fees that support the token and protocol
Deflationary mechanics with real volume-based rewards
No Ponzinomics
Trading Bot Sustainability Mechanism & Real User trading
Integrating Protocol X into a bigger system will promote multiple demand windows over time
Investments involving DeFi and real-world strategies.